Saturday, March 28, 2009

Random Word Association

From the class tutorial, we had given a task to create that will instill fear among people through out the ages. The given random word is "kitten". There are few words that I had thought of during the class. They are Eye, Claw and Whiskers. Form the "claw", the idea is to create traps that could kill anyone that trespass into the compound. The cats claw is hidden as people would know if they have cats under their care. The idea had brought up out because cats stick their claws out when they are alarmed.

From the Whiskers, the ideology is basically enable to detect anyone that trespass the area so that it could alarmed the traps to activate. This is actually come with the claw.

But what i would choose is the "eye", it creates fearful image to scare people away. This is because the eye of the kitten shines when there is light direct to the eye. Thus reflection are created and people will see eyes which now thinking of it make me feel spooky. This is the review that I had sketch in the class.

The picture above is the one that I have draw during the class.
The picture below is the one that I have try to visualize.

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