Saturday, March 28, 2009


In the class, we have given a task for choosing numbers from 00 to 99. Then from the list of numbers, there are come words formed in each number. Next we have to combined both words and create a sentence.

This is the list of the numbers given with the text:

flower 1 0 head

lighting 2 9 rain

ice 3 8 wood

light 4 7 tree

fire 5 6 spider

duck 6 5 root

dog 7 4 mountain

oil 8 3 wind

leave 9 2 rock

fly 0 1 water

For 3 pairs of number that I had chosen are:

22 - lighting rock
27 - lighting tree
57 - Fire tree

Then, this is the 3 sentences that I had formed:

lighting rock - The lighting strikes the rock into pieces.
lighting tree - The lighting strikes the tree like splitting the watermelon into halves.
Fire tree - People use fire to burn down the tree.

Thus these are my sketches for the sentences:

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