Saturday, March 28, 2009


Well, there are 2 mindmap that we learned during the Alpha level of FCM. They consist of "logical mindmap" and "creative mindmap". Both consists of loads of data and flow of information which start from the middle like the tree trunk pattern. Its almost similar to my avatar. They ia the main topic and it branch out into sub topics that is related to the main topic. Mindmap main objective is to present the expended information of any ideas or toughts. It is very important especially for primary brain storming as people would easily pinpoint the best idea for a certain developement or invention. I will explain more about the mindmaps on the 2nd paragraph.

For common logical mindmap, it consists mainly facts and it is presented in a straight forward manner. It lacks or does not have pictures at all for the mindmap, it mainly consist of texts. Although it is straight forward and easy to retrive the information by just looking at it but it does looks pretty dull for people who prefer images. This is the example of logical mindmap.

taken from :

For common creative mindmap, it also consist mainly facts but it is presented in a creative manner. It attracts the reader as well as it is more effective in brain storming. Why i said like that? It is simply because it consist mostly icons and pictures. There has been description about pictures where they say "pictures worth a thousand meaning". Through this method, people could generate more ideas and understandings reading the mindmap. They might could generate new ideas out of the mindmap too. This is the example of creative mindmap.

taken from :*nIBs0*L9MbbyCV42Oai9JbvMbuC-mfAznwREwK8OqAdhPPnw/TheMindMap.jpg

That is why design students are advised to use creative mindmaps when they start a design project. This is because creative mindmap really helps us to think more great ideas for our design.

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