Thursday, May 7, 2009

Creative Studies Project Progress (3)

Phase 3 (final)

Random words association:

Situation/problem: To encourage new students to enroll in MMU FCM
Random word: Dr. Jackal & Mr. Hyde

Situation: to promote FCM MMU using the metaphor for bad/good (Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde)

* Good/bad side of FCM students as main topic to promote FCM MMU
* Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde as the metaphor(Symbolism) for “Good/Bad”
* Jekyll/Hyde = 2 sided
* Human Eye as the medium of showing “good/bad”
* FCM students Study Hard and Plays Hard
* Playing not necessarily a “bad thing” as you can learn by experiencing

Creative Studies Project Progress (2)

Phase2: Juxtaposition

Juxtaposing the 2 based on similarities

Works hard (Dr. Jekyll)
Plays HARDER (Mr. Hyde)
Multiple personality based on work and social
Constant change in personality

Affective Analogy
an emotional resemblance of the FCM student and his/her good/bad side.

He/she is like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
in the sense that:-
He/she is able to change way of thinking/Philosophy
He/she is able to do multiple yet contrasting things
He/she is able studies very hard yet enjoys having fun
He/she is able to balance important and unimportant things
He/she is able to juggle many tasks at a time

Creative Studies Project Progress

Phase 1: Association Mind map

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Random Word Association

From the class tutorial, we had given a task to create that will instill fear among people through out the ages. The given random word is "kitten". There are few words that I had thought of during the class. They are Eye, Claw and Whiskers. Form the "claw", the idea is to create traps that could kill anyone that trespass into the compound. The cats claw is hidden as people would know if they have cats under their care. The idea had brought up out because cats stick their claws out when they are alarmed.

From the Whiskers, the ideology is basically enable to detect anyone that trespass the area so that it could alarmed the traps to activate. This is actually come with the claw.

But what i would choose is the "eye", it creates fearful image to scare people away. This is because the eye of the kitten shines when there is light direct to the eye. Thus reflection are created and people will see eyes which now thinking of it make me feel spooky. This is the review that I had sketch in the class.

The picture above is the one that I have draw during the class.
The picture below is the one that I have try to visualize.


In the class, we have given a task for choosing numbers from 00 to 99. Then from the list of numbers, there are come words formed in each number. Next we have to combined both words and create a sentence.

This is the list of the numbers given with the text:

flower 1 0 head

lighting 2 9 rain

ice 3 8 wood

light 4 7 tree

fire 5 6 spider

duck 6 5 root

dog 7 4 mountain

oil 8 3 wind

leave 9 2 rock

fly 0 1 water

For 3 pairs of number that I had chosen are:

22 - lighting rock
27 - lighting tree
57 - Fire tree

Then, this is the 3 sentences that I had formed:

lighting rock - The lighting strikes the rock into pieces.
lighting tree - The lighting strikes the tree like splitting the watermelon into halves.
Fire tree - People use fire to burn down the tree.

Thus these are my sketches for the sentences:


Well, there are 2 mindmap that we learned during the Alpha level of FCM. They consist of "logical mindmap" and "creative mindmap". Both consists of loads of data and flow of information which start from the middle like the tree trunk pattern. Its almost similar to my avatar. They ia the main topic and it branch out into sub topics that is related to the main topic. Mindmap main objective is to present the expended information of any ideas or toughts. It is very important especially for primary brain storming as people would easily pinpoint the best idea for a certain developement or invention. I will explain more about the mindmaps on the 2nd paragraph.

For common logical mindmap, it consists mainly facts and it is presented in a straight forward manner. It lacks or does not have pictures at all for the mindmap, it mainly consist of texts. Although it is straight forward and easy to retrive the information by just looking at it but it does looks pretty dull for people who prefer images. This is the example of logical mindmap.

taken from :

For common creative mindmap, it also consist mainly facts but it is presented in a creative manner. It attracts the reader as well as it is more effective in brain storming. Why i said like that? It is simply because it consist mostly icons and pictures. There has been description about pictures where they say "pictures worth a thousand meaning". Through this method, people could generate more ideas and understandings reading the mindmap. They might could generate new ideas out of the mindmap too. This is the example of creative mindmap.

taken from :*nIBs0*L9MbbyCV42Oai9JbvMbuC-mfAznwREwK8OqAdhPPnw/TheMindMap.jpg

That is why design students are advised to use creative mindmaps when they start a design project. This is because creative mindmap really helps us to think more great ideas for our design.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Public Figure

Image taken from

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

It is something to do with the word new. There are many things that can be define as new when it is being created, designed, invented, expressed, and it is not taken from original idea. For example, when a game is being played like chess. Most of the game is recorded from all experts in all competition levels. If there is a new player which plays the game different from the recorded game play, this is called novelty because it is something new that none had played this style of strategy. Novelty does not include copying other peoples work. Novelty can be expressed but it is judge from one person act. For example, if someone had disassemble a furniture and make it to a sculpture, the work would be novelty. While if a high school student disassemble a furniture for he's art work, it wont be judged as novelty instead it will be judged as vandalism. All this act of novelty is being judged from all expects from all persons view.

Innovation is also something new like novelty but it is being improved, enhanced, processed into something new and better. For example, telephone is invented by Antonio Meucci in the 1860's. It is been innovate till these days that we have hand phone. This is called innovative because it is been improvised base from the original idea (telephone) to (hand phone) base of the technology. Innovation is also meant to make peoples life easier by troubleshooting the problems that have in certain product or invention to a new product or invention which provides more efficiently.

Invention is something to deal with new things. It can be a form of machine or devices which it's purpose if to help and enlighten the amount of work for a person. There are many inventor till these days and they had bring a better life for us in this new era. Some of the inventions are based on pre-existing ideas and most of them are breakthroughs that is beyond of human knowledge or experience. It is not easy to invent something new while we do not have such knowledge to learn from. It might sound crazy at first for an idea that does not make sense at all but after it is invented it might be judge differently and think it is a marvelous invention. It is not an easy task to be done because most of the ideas would be a fail and it needs tons of ideas just to successfully invent a new thing.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts, creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight. An alternative conception of creativeness is that it is simply the act of making something new.

(quote from

Creativity in my point of view is something to relate with different or new ideas. As i understand, we can think of so many things which almost feel not logic at all in creative ideas. Some of the ideas can be logic in a way that people could understand the concept of the idea. Creativity could be also abstract as we can create so many impossible thoughts for an idea. Base from those ideas, we came out with concepts that support the idea.

There are some examples of how creative ideas could be in a logical way and illogical.

Iogical ideas

Leonardo da Vinci is an excellent example for logical ideas. he is born in 15 April 1452 in Italy. He is a great artist and inventor because of his many and diverse fields of arts and sciences. He contributed lots of ideas where is logical base from science and all his inventions are legend for a person back during high renaissance era.

(taken from

Illogical ideas

M.C.Esher is born in 17 June 1898 in Netherlands. He is one of the world's most famous graphic artists. He is famous for his so-called impossible structures as his idea is mostly impossible to build in real world. He plays with most of the optical illusions to come out with his idea.

(taken from

(taken from

From all there understandings, creativity is an essential needs for all people regardless for design field or engineering field. The ideas that have created and improved up to now makes our life much better and easier.