Thursday, May 7, 2009

Creative Studies Project Progress (3)

Phase 3 (final)

Random words association:

Situation/problem: To encourage new students to enroll in MMU FCM
Random word: Dr. Jackal & Mr. Hyde

Situation: to promote FCM MMU using the metaphor for bad/good (Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde)

* Good/bad side of FCM students as main topic to promote FCM MMU
* Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde as the metaphor(Symbolism) for “Good/Bad”
* Jekyll/Hyde = 2 sided
* Human Eye as the medium of showing “good/bad”
* FCM students Study Hard and Plays Hard
* Playing not necessarily a “bad thing” as you can learn by experiencing

Creative Studies Project Progress (2)

Phase2: Juxtaposition

Juxtaposing the 2 based on similarities

Works hard (Dr. Jekyll)
Plays HARDER (Mr. Hyde)
Multiple personality based on work and social
Constant change in personality

Affective Analogy
an emotional resemblance of the FCM student and his/her good/bad side.

He/she is like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
in the sense that:-
He/she is able to change way of thinking/Philosophy
He/she is able to do multiple yet contrasting things
He/she is able studies very hard yet enjoys having fun
He/she is able to balance important and unimportant things
He/she is able to juggle many tasks at a time

Creative Studies Project Progress

Phase 1: Association Mind map